Wednesday, September 18, 2013

24 Weeks Pregnant

I haven't been blogging about pregnancy much, but I came across a really cute blog that went week by week answering some questions people might ask someone who is pregnant. I thought I'd answer some questions every now and then! Any specific questions?...ask away!

Questions most people have been asking:

1. When are you due? January 7th

2. Have you had any cravings yet? For about a week sometime during early pregnancy I was craving FRENCH FRIES. I had to have them at least once a day, it was nuts. I would leave work just to go through the drive through at McDonald's to get some. :) The only other craving I've really had is Mac & Cheese....this was probably around week 15 or so. I would come home and make a box of Mac & Cheese for dinner and eat the WHOLE thing....after a couple days of that I realized how ridiculous that was, and probably how bad it probably was for me...I ended up buying the EasyMac cups, and the craving continued for a couple weeks... :)

Sorry for the messy hotel room in the background...
Other general questions....

3. Baby size: Weighing over 1 pound and is as much as 12 inches tall (according to my baby apps)!

4. Maternity clothes?: I've found the best deals at Khols and Motherhood Maternity. I've found a couple things at Target, but it tends to be more expensive.

5. Sleep: So far so good! I do usually get up once a night to use the bathroom, but nothing too bad.

6. Miss anything? Jimmy Johns (I know what my first meal will be)!....Sushi!....

7. Movement: Yes! I first felt the baby at 18 weeks, 2 days, but have definitely been feeling it more often every day :) It's such a weird, but cool feeling!

8. What have you been up to these past couple weeks? We have been so busy....but that's okay! :) My cousin David, his wife Jackie and daughter Mae visited us early September....flying up from Utah!, David went to the Mumford concert, we went to our last Twins game of the season, we celebrated David's 27th birthday on September 11th, David caught at 38 inch muskie (it's said that you only catch one every 10,000 casts)!, my best friend Rachel Iblings (now Bollin) got married!!, and I spent the last couple days down in Knoxville, IA for work...whew.

 9. Do you know if it's a boy or girl? Do you have a feeling either way? The gender is a surprise! :) So far, no real feelings on if it's a girl or boy.

10. Looking forward to: New carpet!...Installation scheduled for next month!! Then we can finish decorating the nursery :)

1 comment:

  1. Mac and Cheese was totally my food too - and it continued, the MG hospital has KILLER mac and cheese (I think I had it with MOST meals)! Second hand maternity clothes are the best; there is a sale at the fairgrounds this weekend, and clothes mentor, babies to bellies and nine had a lot of good options. Also the motherhood maternity outlet was a nice treat as well!
