Wednesday, September 18, 2013

24 Weeks Pregnant

I haven't been blogging about pregnancy much, but I came across a really cute blog that went week by week answering some questions people might ask someone who is pregnant. I thought I'd answer some questions every now and then! Any specific questions?...ask away!

Questions most people have been asking:

1. When are you due? January 7th

2. Have you had any cravings yet? For about a week sometime during early pregnancy I was craving FRENCH FRIES. I had to have them at least once a day, it was nuts. I would leave work just to go through the drive through at McDonald's to get some. :) The only other craving I've really had is Mac & Cheese....this was probably around week 15 or so. I would come home and make a box of Mac & Cheese for dinner and eat the WHOLE thing....after a couple days of that I realized how ridiculous that was, and probably how bad it probably was for me...I ended up buying the EasyMac cups, and the craving continued for a couple weeks... :)

Sorry for the messy hotel room in the background...
Other general questions....

3. Baby size: Weighing over 1 pound and is as much as 12 inches tall (according to my baby apps)!

4. Maternity clothes?: I've found the best deals at Khols and Motherhood Maternity. I've found a couple things at Target, but it tends to be more expensive.

5. Sleep: So far so good! I do usually get up once a night to use the bathroom, but nothing too bad.

6. Miss anything? Jimmy Johns (I know what my first meal will be)!....Sushi!....

7. Movement: Yes! I first felt the baby at 18 weeks, 2 days, but have definitely been feeling it more often every day :) It's such a weird, but cool feeling!

8. What have you been up to these past couple weeks? We have been so busy....but that's okay! :) My cousin David, his wife Jackie and daughter Mae visited us early September....flying up from Utah!, David went to the Mumford concert, we went to our last Twins game of the season, we celebrated David's 27th birthday on September 11th, David caught at 38 inch muskie (it's said that you only catch one every 10,000 casts)!, my best friend Rachel Iblings (now Bollin) got married!!, and I spent the last couple days down in Knoxville, IA for work...whew.

 9. Do you know if it's a boy or girl? Do you have a feeling either way? The gender is a surprise! :) So far, no real feelings on if it's a girl or boy.

10. Looking forward to: New carpet!...Installation scheduled for next month!! Then we can finish decorating the nursery :)

Friday, September 6, 2013


And....we're back (or at least hopefully)! It's been almost a year since I/we last blogged, and I'm hoping that will change :) Here's a summary of what David and I have been up to this year so far!

January: I started a new job! It's crazy to think that it's already been nine months since this has happened, but it's been a great nine months. I'm still with 3M, but was able to find a job that was in the engineering field (my last one was not). I'm really bad/it's really hard to describe my job so I'll keep it brief....I'm maybe what you could call a project (engineer) manager in the Industrial Adhesives and Tape division (it's pretty much just tape). I work with the manufacturing plants within that division and help them make sure their projects get done and go smoothly, with projects ranging from ordering and planning the installation for a new hoist, all the way to getting engineers together from the design group, controls group, etc., to design and install a 5 million dollar new line that will produce tape. I pretty much have to make sure that things get done on time and within budget, while working and communicating with lots of people! Now I've probably really confused everyone, but I love my job :)

I was also able to help coach again last basketball season with my former bball coach Chuck Goldman. We got to work with the 9th grade girls basketball team at Benilde. Every season is so fun and so different, and definitely makes me miss the days when I played basketball!

Not too much (in terms of big things) happened between January and May, but looking back at my calendar, we barely had any free nights! We were busy with bball games, broomball, hanging out with friends, bible study, wolves games, traveling for work, cooking classes, Twins games, date nights, gun range, brewing, church, Target runs and a lot more!

May: Definitely an exciting month! :D I hadn't been feeling the best for the last week or so in April and the first week in May. I was sneezing, had a stuffed nose....your typical cold symptoms. One night it got so bad that I went to go take some Nyquil. Thought I would read the back to see how much I should take and came across where it said, "Consult your doctor if pregnant." Hmmm, well, I guess I could be pregnant, maybe I should just wait. At this point it was almost midnight (later than we ever stay up), David was half asleep in bed, and all of a sudden I got really excited! I went back into our bedroom to tell David I was going to take a pregnancy test and went back into the bathroom to take it. was one of those times where there was just a faint second line....was I really pregnant? You know, I'll just down a glass of water, wait 30 minutes and take another. So I got into bed, watched TV, waited the 30 minutes and then got back into the bathroom. Took the test....another second line....I'm pregnant!!! :) I think my favorite reaction out of everyone we've told is the one when I told David. I had a big smile on my face, walked over to David in bed (75% asleep at this time) and said, "David, I'm pregnant." He barely opened his eyes, looked at me, and said, "We can talk about this in the morning." hahah! It was just the greatest. I said, "Ok!" and just hopped into bed and fell asleep. I think I would have stayed up if it wasn't for me just being exhausted. Come to find out the next morning, David had stayed up a while after I fell asleep just trying to comprehend what I had just told him :) And that started our journey to being parents! We are just so excited!!!

Also in May, my parents bought a cabin! We've (our family) been going up north to two different cabin resorts for probably the last 18 years and love spending time on the lake and together as a family. The last two or so years my parents had been contemplating buying a cabin and they finally took the leap! It's up in Crosslake on one of the lakes in the Whitefish chain (Hidden Lake). It literally is hidden and is right between Lower Whitefish and Rush Lake. We have already spent many weekends up there and we're looking forward to many weekends to come!

David and I also spent a lot of time golfing this summer both together and with friends. I was able to be a part of the Medtronic women's golf league this summer for the third time! David also started his summer softball league with guys from Hope on Sunday nights. This was his fifth summer on the team, and I always enjoyed going to the games to watch.

June was spent going to the Hangar Dance at the Anoka airport where my dad played in the big band, doctor's appointments, time at the cabin, Friday night dinner at El Rodeo and David and I celebrating our 3 year wedding anniversary!

August: David and I went up with the Karsjens to Thunder Lake Lodge for almost a week during the beginning of August....always a great time! This was our 6th year going up! By the end of the month I was already in week 21 of crazy! Lastly, Ryan, Kristie, David and I went to the Minnesota State Fair. David and I had always wanted to go together, but hadn't been because of me having to go back to Michigan early for marching band and then that last couple years just got super busy. One food I had to have was cheese curds and David had to have mini doughnuts. I was so proud of myself for mapping out where the cheese curd and mini doughnut stands were before we went...and then I left the map at home....Luckily! Ryan has been going to the fair ever since he could remember, so he knew exactly where every stand was and even which one had the best cheese curds! Who needs maps anyways... :)

And now we come to much to look forward to! My mom, David's mom, and David's sister Laura all started back at school this past week, and I think they're all excited it's the weekend :) David and I have a couple Twins games this month, my best friend Rachel's wedding!!!!, and I'm going to Michigan for almost a week to attend the engineering career fair (with a team) to represent 3M.

More posts to come... :)

2012 East Coast Trip: Day 9 & 10 - Boston

Day 2 in Boston! Most of the morning was spent walking on the freedom trail.

Before we went on our trip, we asked friends who had been to Boston before to give us a few suggestions on where to eat. By far the highly recommended ones were Mike's Pastry and Regina's Pizza. 

SO good!!

We also were able to go to a Red Sox game! The only downside is that it ended up storming which delayed the game and we ended up leaving early...BUT! We saw enough, and had a great experience :)

On the last day we relaxing and walked around the harbor before we flew home. What an awesome trip!